Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 13 of the 21 Day Fix

Day 13: 21 Day Fix: yup... I'm Kissing my Chocolate Peanut Butter Shakeology! I found my old stash of peanut butter cups (I stash snacks like a fat squirrel). I haven't been so tempted since the cheesewiz incident ! I decided I'll make a shake instead and if I still want one... A few drinks in and my cravings are GONE! Shakeology isn't magic.. It doesn't fix everything, but it sure helps!!! Today was a cardio day. I'm feeling amazing... Down another half pound... Tim is down even more (but he's a guy and it's just not fair how fast they drop weight). I haven't measure in a few days but my jeans are so lose they make me look like I have an old man butt :/ does. This mean shopping is in my future? :D tonight's dinner is cauliflower bacon chowder!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 1 of 21 Day Fix (3 weeks of clean eating and exercise)

My pre-workout picture with my favorite workout partner! 

I don't do New Years resolutions. They never work for me. I'm not sure why, but they have consistently failed me (or I have failed them, lol) over time. So I purposely chose to begin my 3 weeks of hard core clean eating (no cheating) & daily exercise (no slacking) on the 5th of January. 😃

I was originally going to do the 21 Day Fix in November taking days off for holidays and events but decided it wasn't wise. Even though I'm a strong believer in cheat meals in everyday life, detoxing is the exception. If you cheat during the detox you fail to bring your body back to a place of balance ( or at least hinder the process). A huge Thanksgiving feast in the middle of a detox kind of ruins it.

I actually detox (eat clean) about 3 times a year. It works for me... Keeps me balanced... Keeps my sugar addiction under control. The 21 Day Fix is new for me though. It's through Beachbody and provides more structure and support to the detox. Plus (& this is the best part) it has a body transforming workout to go with it! This brings it up a notch! Usually I walk away from a 21 day detox feeling healthier with 5-7 pounds lost & my sugar and carb cravings gone. This time I expect to see a firmer leaner me! The daily exercise adds a new and important element!

Here is a quick update on day one. The first day is always fairly easy. This time was no exception. The detox symptoms haven't kicked in, the motivation is there. Yesterday was no exception. Day one was painless. I'm a few hours into day 2 as I write this. I'm a little sore from killing my workout yesterday, & the first stirrings of a sugar withdrawal headache have begun. I expected this. I also know it's going to get worse. The next 2-3 days are going to be tough as the toxins leave.... Withdrawal sucks. However, the end results will be more than worth it!